It's midsummer at the Maremma campsite in Tuscany. Vincenzo and Adriana, a young couple, try to save their marriage, which has been damaged by the trials of life, for the last time. Nic, their 12-year-old son is incapable, like his father, of controlling his violence. Even though he has been able to fit in with a small group of children, he cannot express his feelings for Marie, a teenage girl tormented by her father's abandonment. Their lives will change forever as they discover their first love.

Released on February 8, 2012

Technical Sheet

  • Director

    Rolando Colla
  • Productor

    Peacock Film
  • Cast

    Alessia Barela, Antonio Merone, Armando Condolucci, Fiorella Campanella
  • Genre

  • Year

  • Nationality

    Italy, Switzerland
  • Duration

