Jack, 19, Lisa, 17, and Mathis, 10, are brutally orphaned. Everyone reacts to the family disaster in their own way. Lisa takes his distance, Jack, just major, is entrusted with the care of Mathis. A new life begins. But how can you be responsible for a child when you are barely out of adolescence? And how do you build a future when the past becomes a dangerous obsession? The strength and energy of youth can work wonders...

Released August 5, 2020

Technical Sheet

  • Director

    Christophe Blanc
  • Productor

    Blue Monday Productions
  • Cast

    Kacey Mottet Klein, Andrea Magguili, Anamaria Vartolomei, Angleina Woreth, Yves Caumon
  • Genre

  • Year

  • Nationality

  • Duration

